
Service manual for brasilia model portofino del2
Service manual for brasilia model portofino del2

service manual for brasilia model portofino del2

Some include wiring diagrams and give some service tips while others did not. What I found was that different manuals covered more than others. I also downloaded all the manuals I could find for various Brasilia Portofino models from the Brasilia USA site. You should find all the diagrams in Coffeeparts Brasilia spare parts useful. Haven't tested the cap yet, but the owner mentioned smelling burning electronics a while back so i'm adding two and two and assuming i'll need to replace or rewind the motor. The 6 bars i was getting was my pressure from the spigot. The blue arrow is the adjustment for brew pressure. More troubleshooting/trial and error have educated me on some things: Not sure why there would be one as the actual pop off valve is on the right side of the picture. The green arrow is pointing to something that looks (to me) like a pop off valve, and it's on it's own separate copper run. It's actually out of the picture, a little further to the right and driven directly into the broiler. I identified the water sensor, but it was not the green arrow. Are there any other parts I should get while they are available, especially needed for the old style groups? Also I only found out after I bought it that Rossi went broke last year and bought some ceramic steam valve parts, a spare element and Group seals from Coffee Parts. However would appreciate any tips on especially descaling the HX part of the unit including the groups. Have read all the Brasilia posts here and some others and now have a pretty good general idea what to do. However problems with the group heads One seems to work but dirty brown water, the other appears clogged. The autofill worked, the heater controls work and it came up to 9 bar on the gauge. Checked it out OK and it appears to basically work. Anyway I built a mobile trolley for it and now in a position to test it. If a moderator can move it to a new thread I would be happy to post pics. My apologies if I should not have jumped in. Not sure if it is poor etiquette to post here but I am a relative newbie and not sure how to go about it.

service manual for brasilia model portofino del2

I plumbed it in to a gulley trap (with a bombora filter) and use a 15A extension cord to a dedicated 16A circuit (usually for an air conditioner) which has a safety switch. My intention is to use it on occasions when we entertain in numbers and have installed in a covered area in an verandah. Brasilia Portofino 1997 2GR/P project Hi I just acquired a Brasilia Portofino 1997 2GR/P which I gather is similar to yours at a local auction.

Service manual for brasilia model portofino del2