Private values are the key to encryption. RSA encryption utilizes an algorithm with public values and private values. RSA encryption is one such cryptography system, or cryptosystem, for private message decryption. Without it, sensitive and personal information would be easily accessible by anyone with an internet connection. In the modern digital era, the use of encryption is critical to a stable and functional digital society. The ability to encrypt information that requires a specific cipher or method to decode. Throughout history, mankind has found ways to hide their messages that only the correct recipient could interpret. Unfortunately, not everyone is trustworthy, which means we have always had a need to send private communications.

From ledger checking and balancing to pen-pals, everyone has a need to transmit information. With RSA encryption, users can securely transmit data over the internet without the fear of hackers intercepting and decoding it. This method of encryption is commonly used in secure transactions like online banking, e-commerce, and email encryption. RSA encryption is a widely used method of encrypting sensitive data. RSA allows for secure communication to occur even over insecure networks since the intended recipient is the only one who has the private key and is thus the only one who can access and read the encrypted message. The public key is used to encrypt messages, while the private key is used to decrypt them. RSA Encryption works by generating two large prime numbers, which are then used to create a public and private key pair.Today RSA is commonly used in e-commerce, email platforms, online banking, and many other applications.

It is named after the three developers: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, or RSA.