Now on I’m one of the early adopters of IntelliJ. Now we’re also gonna be using IntelliJ IDEA and that’s much like a word processor but for creating programs. Now JDK stands for the Java Development Kit and it’s the software that is used to create and run Java programs. So we’re going to be using JDK version 11 in this course. Let’s talk about installing the software we need for this course.

Now, we have our data inserted into the table, we can now work on to performing CRUD operations on it. CREATE SEQUENCE hp_customer_seq start with 10000 CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(‘hp_customer_seq’), first_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, last_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, phone varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, address varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, city varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, zipcode varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (customer_id) ) ALTER SEQUENCE hp_customer_seq OWNED BY customer.customer_id INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone, address, city, state, zipcode) VALUES Longview Court’,’Seattle’,’WA’,’98121'), Petterle Trail’,’Austin’,’TX’,’78732'), Clarendon Terrace’,’Kansas City’,’MO’,’64199'), Novick Lane’,’Irving’,’TX’,’75037'), Hoard Lane’,’Tampa’,’FL’,’33625'), Stoughton Parkway’,’Frederick’,’MD’,’21705'), Gerald Hill’,’Spring’,’TX’,’77386'), High Crossing Street’,’Oklahoma City’,’OK’,’73167'), Michigan Way’,’Danbury’,’CT’,’6816'), Gale Lane’,’Birmingham’,’AL’,’35244'), Muir Crossing’,’South Bend’,’IN’,’46614'), Moose Terrace’,’Richmond’,’VA’,’23225') Paste this code into this console and hit the play button. Remember this play button, it’ll help you to execute your queries.Now we’ll execute this query to create a table named “customer” and fill that table with some data.